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About Us

About Us


In 2010 we began going to Israel, and in 2011 we began leading tour trips to Israel. God gave us a passion for helping people see the places and context in which the Bible took place. As a result, we started creating videos, writing books, and leading tour trips to Israel to fulfill this calling and passion. In 2012 we officially launched Ministries. It is a rapidly growing ministry that has become our central ministry focus.


In conjunction with leading Holy Land Tour Trips to Israel, we go to Israel regularly to film more sites for our Bible teaching videos. For example, we just spent 2 months in Israel filming around 100 sites for the upcoming videos we plan to produce.


Holy Land Site is a ministry affiliated with Go Missions to Mexico, a Christ-centered, biblically-based, non-denominational mission organization that has 29 years of experience in missionary service. It exists to incorporate short-term mission teams in the Great Commission to reach the unreached and strengthen churches and believers of Christ in Mexico.



Scroll down to see more info about us.

Todd & Letsy Fink (left), Logan Fink (center), Joel and Miriam Fink (right), Jonathan & Jason (Joel & Miriam's children)

Todd Fink

Todd has 45 years of ministry experience in the U.S. and Mexico. During this time, he has served as Youth Director, Campus Life Staff, AWANA Director, Sunday School Teacher, Youth Pastor, Associate Pastor, Hispanic Outreach Pastor, Building Construction Chairman, and Missionary. He also has experience in the secular field in agriculture and construction. Currently, he is in his 25th year as a missionary in Mexico and is the founder of Go Missions to Mexico and Holy Land Site Ministries.


Todd is married to Letsy Fink and has four grown children and 8 grandchildren.


Todd holds the following Bible degrees

  • Bachelor of Theology Degree from Freelandia Bible College

  • Master of Divinity studies at Western Seminary

  • Master of Theology Degree from Freedom Bible College

  • Master of Biblical Theology from Trinity Theological Seminary

  • Doctor of Theology Degree (Ph.D.) from Trinity Theological Seminary. 


For books by Todd, click here. 

Letsy Fink


Letsy has many years of ministry experience in both the U.S. and Mexico. She has served in many children's ministries, served with Todd in youth ministry, and loves leading Vacation Bible School Outreaches in Mexico with short-term mission teams. She has become a vital part of Holy Land Site Ministries and does a lot of camera work and filming for our videos.


Letsy grew up in a godly home and went to church in an evangelic, Bible-believing church her whole life. She is currently working on a Bachelor of Theology Degree and delights in learning and growing in the Lord. 


Letsy has four grown children and 8 grandchildren.

Joel Fink​

Joel moved to Mexico with his parents when he was 9 years old. He has grown up in Mexico and attended a local high school. It was there he met his high school sweetheart, Miriam, and later married. The culture of Mexico is second nature to Joel, and his Spanish speaking abilities are flawless. He has been working with short-term mission teams for practically his whole life. He has many building skills, ministry skills, and is a worship leader at his home church in Mexico.


Joel accompanies us on all our Holy Land Tour Trips to Israel and helps with all the details, and is the main camera operator.


Joel received a Bachelor of Theology Degree from Freedom Bible College and Seminary. Joel has two children.

Miriam Fink​

Miriam is from Mexico and married Joel Fink in 2009. She has been an incredible addition to the ministry team and loves the Lord. She enjoys working with children and short-term mission teams. She is a great mother and loves her family deeply. Mirian goes to Israel on occasion and loves it very much.  


Miriam received a Bachelor of Business Degree from a university in Guadalajara, Mexico, and a Bachelor of Theology Degree from Trinity Bible College and Seminary. Miriam has two children.

Logan Fink​

Logan moved to Mexico with his parents when he was about a year old. He has grown up in Mexico and feels very at home in the culture and his Spanish speaking abilities are flawless. He has been working with short-term mission teams for practically his whole life. He has many building skills, ministry skills, and is the youth pastor at his home church in Mexico.


Logan accompanies us on many of our Holy Land Tour Trips to Israel and helps with all the details, and is one of the main camera operators.


Logan has done Bachelor of Theology studies at Freedom Bible College and Seminary.

Bere Fink​

Bere is from Mexico and married Logan in 2019. She has been an incredible addition to the ministry team and loves the Lord. She is the children's director at her home church, helps Logan in youth ministry, and is active in leading VBSs with Go Missions to Mexico. She is very gifted administratively and brings organization to whatever she does.


Bere goes to Israel on occasion and loves it very much.  

Holy Land Site

Bringing the Bible to Life by Seeing Where It Took Place!

Digital Book Cover Front - Israel Book (
Israel Biblical Sites Bible Companion (L
Biblical Sites


Israel Overview Tour of All Biblical Sites

Jerusalem Sites


Jerusalem Overview


Jerusalem Holy Sites Overview


Jerusalem Old City Tour


Antonia Fortress


Bethany: Tomb of Lazarus






Chapel of the Ascension: Ascension & Return of Christ


Church of the Holy Sepulchre


Church of Mary Magdalene


City of David Overview


Death, Burial, Resurrection of Christ


Dominus Flevit Church


Eastern Gate


Garden of Gethsemane: Church of All Nations


Gordon's Garden Tomb


Gethsemane to Golgotha:

Christ's Path to the Cross


Herod/Pilate's Palace: Trial of Jesus


Hezekiah's Broad Wall


Hezekiah's Water Tunnel


Hinnom Valley Overview


History Of Jerusalem's Walls


History of Jerusalem's Gates


House of Caiaphas: Peter's Denial of Christ


Kidron Valley: Judgment of God


Mount of Olives Overview


Pater Noster Church: Lord's Prayer, Olivet Discourse


​Pools of Bethesda & St. Anne 



Pool of Siloam


Prophecy, Proof the Bible Is True: Mount of Olives


Solomon's Temple


Southern Stairs/Davidson Archaeological Site


Temple Mount Overview


Temple Location


Temple Mount: Pentecost


Temple Cleansing by Jesus


Temple & the Early Church


Tomb of King David


Tomb of Mary & Gethsemane Cave


Tombs of the Prophets


The Old Testament Feasts & Jesus


The Upper Room


Tower of David/Herod's Palace


Triumphal Entry


Via Dolorosa


Western Wall & Tunnels Tour


Zedekiah's Cave & Solomon's Quarry


Other Sites In Jerusalem

Sea of Galilee Sites


Sea of Galilee Overview




Calling of the Disciples


Capernaum: Jesus' Ministry Base




Feeding the 5,000


Gennesaret, Ginosar: Jesus Boat


Boat Ride: Jesus Walks on Water, Calms the Sea


Kursi: Demonic Man Healed


Magdala: Mary Magdalene


Mount Arbel: The Great Commission


Mount of Beatitudes


Sower's Cove: Parables of the Kingdom


Tabgha: Restoration of Peter


Yardenit Baptismal Site


Other Sites Around the Sea of Galilee

Northern Israel Sites


Beth Shean


Beth Shean Amphitheater


Caesarea Maritima Overview


Caesarea Maritima: Holy Spirit Given to the Gentiles


Caesarea Philippi


Cana: First Miracle of Jesus


Church of the Annunciation & St. Joseph Church


Dan (City of Dan)


Gideon's Spring




Jezreel Overview


Jordan River Overview


Megiddo: Armageddon


Mount Carmel & Elijah


Mount Tabor: Transfiguration of Christ


Nazareth Overview


Nazareth: Mt. Precipice


Sepphoris (Tsipori, Zippori)


Other Sites In Northern Israel


Central Israel Sites








Ein Karem (Kerem)


Emmaus Road 


Gezer: On Crossroads of the World


Gibeon - Nabi Samwil




Inn of the Good Samaritan


Jericho ~ Tell Es-Sultan


Joppa (Jaffa, Yafo) Overview


Jordan River: Crossing into the Promised Land


Jordan River Baptismal Site of Jesus (Qsar al-Yahud)


Judean Wilderness


Judean Wilderness: Testing of Jesus


Mount Nebo & Moses


Philistine Cities of Ashkelon, Ashdod, Gaza, Ekron, Gath


Qumran: Dead Sea Scrolls


Samaria (Sabastia)




Shechem: Jacob's Well


Shiloh: Center of Worship


St. George's Monastery (Wadi Qelt)


Timnah: Life of Samson


Valley of Elah: David & Goliath


Other Sites In Central Israel


Southern Israel Sites








Beer Sheba: The Patriarchs


Bethlehem Overview


Bethlehem: Church of Nativity


Bethlehem: David & the Psalms


Bethlehem: Naomi, Ruth, Boaz


Bethlehem: Shepherds' Field


Dead Sea Area




En-Gedi: Living Waters


Exodus, Red Sea Crossing, Mt. Sinai






Tel Hebron Overview


Hebron Caves of Machpelah


Herodian (Herodium) Fortress


Oaks of Mamre, Hebron


Kadesh Barnea






Mount Sinai


Sodom & Gomorrah


The Philistines & Their City Strongholds


Timna Park: Tabernacle, Moses


Other Sites In Southern Israel


Other Biblical Sites


Exodus, Red Sea Crossing, Mt. Sinai


Garden of Eden Location


Madaba ( Map), Jordan


Mount Nebo & Moses


Noah's Ark & the Great Flood


Noah's Ark Location


Petra, Jordan

Other Biblical Videos


Life & Ministry of Jesus Series


Jewish Holy Days & How Jesus Fulfills Them


Future of Israel: Its Wars, Conflicts, Prophecies


What Are the Differences Between Islam and Christianity?


Who Has the Rights to the Holy Land? Jews or Arabs?


What Is the Reason for the War and Conflicts in Israel and the Middle East? Ministries

196 Hambrick Ave., Sutherlin, OR   97479

Phone:  541 603 0881 (U.S.A.)  


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© 2014-2025 by Holy Land Site Ministries

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