Other Sites of Interest In Central Israel
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Other Sites of Interest In Central Israel
Bethany Beyond the Jordan
Tradition and archaeology hold that this site is the believed location of Bethany Beyond the Jordan. It’s located on a tributary that connects to the Jordan River known as Wadi Kharrar. Just before the place this wadi joins the Jordan River is called Bethany Beyond the Jordan.
It’s also just across from Qasr al-Yahud Baptismal Site on Israel’s side of the river. (For more on Qasr al-Yahud Baptismal Site, please see Jordan River Baptismal Site of Jesus.)
This area is where Jesus is believed to have been baptized by John the Baptist (John 1:28), where John baptized many people, and where John lived for periods of time. It’s on the Jordanian side of the Jordan River and consists of two distinct areas: Tell Al-Kharrar, also known as Jabal Mar-Elias (Elijah’s Hill), and the area of the churches of John the Baptist. There are Roman and Byzantine ruins of churches, chapels, a monastery, caves that hermits have used, and pools in which baptisms were held.
Excavations at this site began in 1996, following Jordan’s peace treaty with Israel in 1994, and have uncovered more than 20 churches, caves, and baptismal pools, all dating from the Roman and Byzantine periods.
This area is also associated with the ascension of the Prophet Elijah into heaven, which is commemorated at a hill called Tell Mar Elias or Jabal Mar-Elias (Elijah’s Hill).
Mizpah was located centrally in the country within the territory of Benjamin, about 8 miles north of Jerusalem. Its importance as an administrative center is demonstrated not only by its use during the days of the Judges and Samuel but also by its utilization by conquering nations years later when the Empires of Assyria and Babylon would take over Judah. Mizpah means watchtower or lookout and was a central meeting place where Israel gathered for much of its history.
At Mizpah, Jacob and Laban made a covenant wherein Jacob promised Laban that he would take care of his daughters and grandchildren (Gen. 31:48–49).
The city of Mizpah was established as an important site early in the history of Israel in the time of the Judges and was used as a national rallying point for a man of the Levites who asked for national justice at the end of the time period of the Judges when his concubine was raped and killed by several members of the Benjamite tribe.
Samuel judged the nation from Mizpah and held national gatherings at the city, and Israel's first king, Saul, was presented to the nation at Mizpah.
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